

This afternoon, the pup had a little rough spot.  We went to the vet to have her stitches taken out, and she absolutely, positively lost her ever loving mind.

I'm talking crazy.   Cray.  Zee.  As in, the vet sent us home.  With the stitches still in.

I was so upset about this.  Aussies aren't the easiest dogs.  Her breed makes her have a lot of energy and she can also be stubborn.  But she is very loving and very smart.  We've worked hard on training her and teaching her how to act.  We handle her all the time in the same ways a vet would handle her.  She listens (95% of the time) when we're at home and out around Vicenza.  She isn't perfect, but she's also a puppy.  So it was quite frustrating when the vet started saying (rather rudely) "This dog NEEDS TRAINING.  Seriously.  She really needs training.  She is not good."

She is not good.  Those words were upsetting to me.  Especially when as soon as we walked out of the vet's office, Darby heeled perfectly, listened to all of my commands, and acted like the normal 6 month old puppy she is.

We are going to try giving her sedatives tomorrow and taking her back.  I'm also going to take her on an extra long walk in the morning in hopes to tire her out even more.  John Ralph is going to the appointment with us, thank goodness.  My biggest fear is that she's formed some sort of anxiety about the vet's office.  Hopefully this was just and off day and tomorrow will be better.  Wish us luck.


  1. Bless her heart. Aussies are extremely protective so maybe she was uncomfortable with the situation or something scared her and it was her instincts kicking in. Don't let the vet's words get to you and make you upset. As for her energy, are there dog parks in Italy? Whaley is almost two and still has tons of energy, but taking her to a dog park where she can play with other dogs has helped us tremendously.

    1. Ashley, We usually go to the dog park every day, but since she got spayed, and because of the stitches, she hasn't gotten her usual exercise. Believe me when I say I can not wait for her to get to go to the park again! Haha! She was also sick earlier this week, so I'm thinking she was just uncomfortable about the entire situation. When I talked to John Ralph about it, he couldn't believe she acted like that OR that the vet acted the way she did. I have a feeling tomorrow will be a better day. Fingers crossed. And when we come home in about a year, we will have to get Darby and Whaley together for a play date!

    2. That's great that Italy has dog parks; they are the best for dogs! I pray that she feels better soon. I would love for them to get together when ya'll are back in the States!
