
A little 411

Just a few updates about what's going on in our neck of the woods.

John Ralph has to jump this week.  His first was yesterday, he has another one today, and he's hoping he doesn't have to do one tomorrow.  He leaves the room around 6am and doesn't get back until 11pm, so it makes for a long day on his part.  I know that one little misstep can cause a world of trouble when you're jumping out of a plane, so I'm praying that everyone involved is on top of things and the guys have good jumps.  At least we don't have to worry about his appendix rupturing on one of the landings anymore.  We've already gotten that out of the way. 

I've been applying for some jobs.  It is an extremely annoying process.  We were told that finding a job can be a full time job.  Now I believe it.  Between the forms, and figuring out what everything means, and double checking to make sure you didn't put anything incorrect down, and riding back and forth because not all computers have what you need on them...It took me all day yesterday to semi-complete one application.  I miss the days when you simply went and handed in a one page resume'. 

Our prenegotiation on the apartment is tomorrow.  We are told that this can take two to three hours.  If John Ralph ends up having to do another jump, I'm on my own.  It should be pretty easy because the only thing we're going to ask them to include in our rent is a parking spot.  Other than that, we just want the place to be clean and to move in as soon as possible.  I would love if we could be out of the hotel by the beginning of next week, so fingers crossed. 

Our household goods shipment has been pushed back to arrive in October, so we're still going to be a few weeks without most of our things.  I did remember to pack a suitcase with sheets, towels, plates and cups, and a few other necessities in it.  We didn't ship any furniture over, so once we get in the apartment we're going to make a run to Ikea.  There is a man in Italy called the Chicken Man who makes custom furniture out of solid wood.  He will design and build anything for you, so we're thinking about getting him to make a our bed or a table.  Our apartment is on the 4th floor and the staircase is very narrow, so big items have to be lifted in through your windows using a crane.  Thinking of that reminds me of old cartoons where the piano always falls on someone and they come up spitting out piano keys.  Let's hope that doesn't happen.

We have a four day weekend coming up this Friday.  It's for Oktoberfest, but I think we might have a quiet weekend going to the Cinque Terre.  It's five small fishing villages on the coast that you can hike between.  The hike is about 8km and takes about 5 hours without stopping.  All of the villages are on the cliffs looking over the Liguirian coast.  I've been looking at pictures in one of our travel books and it is gorgeous. 

Other than those few things, we don't have too much going on.  Hope all is well with everyone back home! 

Ciao for now! 

1 comment:

  1. I do not know how I got so far behind on your posts! I love reading about your adventures. So glad things are moving forward with your apartment. I will be thinking of you tomorrow!

    By the way, I would totally be walking with you to find a proper toilet. ;)

