
Airing Dirty Laundry

Don't let this cute little European dryer fool you.  It is nothing like what we're used to back home.  I'm not quite sure what the reasoning is, but dryers here don't have the exhaust pipe that takes the hot, humid air outside. 

Instead the dryer just gets REALLY hot and this little drawer fills up with water and you're supposed to dump it out periodically over the course of the three hours it takes to dry your clothes.  Yes, you read that correct.  It takes three hours for a load of clothes to dry.  I'm telling you, this country has their priorities all out of whack. 

I decided to give this baby a test drive earlier today thinking there was no way it could be as difficult to do a load of laundry as I've heard.  When I opened the door to check on the clothes, steam came out.  At first I thought our clothes were on fire.  Considering we only have six outfits, and we can't be losing any due to a dryer fire, I decided it was probably best to take the clothes out and air dry them.

I guess it's time to start looking into one of those clothes lines that strings from one side of the road to the other. 

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