
6, It's the magic number.

So, my brain officially made the switch on January 1st.  The switch to We Are Moving In 6 Months mode.  This mode tends to be a little frantic.  I feel like I need to start cleaning things out and squeezing things in.  This morning I got the urge to start transferring a lot of our paper stuff to digital, just so I know I can find it on the computer if I need it.  You wouldn't believe how things can get misplaced in a move.

I also got the feeling that we need to buy more wine.  A lot more wine.  Priorities.

I can not believe we have been living here for almost three years and that a new chapter will be beginning soon.  It's crazy, y'all.

We went to our favorite bar for dinner and drinks last night and the hubs made a promise.  If I get good enough at Italian to carry on conversations with any kind of conversation, not just one about Darby or gelato...he will bring me back to Europe every year for the rest of our lives.

I guess I've figured out what my New Year's resolution is.  It's crunch time, people.

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty good deal! You may want to get it in writing and notarized JUST in case :)
