
Snowshoeing and Adventuring

On Friday, the hubs took a break from the slopes and we went snowshoeing.  While the actual snowshoeing part was pretty unsuccessful, we still had a great day!  You see, as it turns out, Italians don't really snowshoe.  That meant, that the "trails" we were looking for weren't really there.  Which left us sinking quite deep into powdery snow, despite the snowshoes.  About 5 minutes in we decided to scrap the whole idea and just went driving around the in mountains.  

Sprinting through the snow is harder than it looks.  

Can you guys stop laughing and give me a little help here?  Anybody?  Someone?  

The elusive Darby track.

We made that trail by walking back and forth for about 100 yards.  

One bad thing about Darby's lovely locks is that it's not ideal for powdery snow.  As we were walking back to the car, as soon as we got on the pavement she just did this, and wouldn't move until we got the snowballs out of her fur.  It was pitiful and hilarious, all at the same time.

We went over the river and through the woods, quite literally.  

Shadow people.

To end our adventure we stopped at a refuge.  Iordered goulash because I can't turn it down.

Ralph ordered cazunsiei, a traditional local dish filled with beets and cheese.  

Overall, the day was great fun!  

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