
Sunset Stroll (and other updates)

The Darbs and I have been spending lots of Q.T. together because The Hubs has been working like a mad man.  Since it has been raining a lot, the dog park hasn't been the most ideal place for exercise.   When the skies cleared up the other day we seized the moment and took a nice long walk.  

I love that the basilica is lit up in this picture (although I realize picture isn't that great).  We've had a pretty mild winter here, I think.  Temperatures have stayed in the 40s and 50s and we haven't had any snow.  Last year, the little mountains constantly had snow on them, but this year it comes and goes.  Now, I don't mind a mild winter, but I feel like if I don't get to make a snowman, it might as well be spring.  

The pooch is going to start agility training in two weeks.  I think it'll be a good activity for us to do.  She really loves "working" and the frisbee is her thing right now.  If only I could learn how to throw it in a half way decent manner.  It's actually quite embarrassing how terrible I am.  Ralph will be gone a lot in the next three months, so I think starting this new training will keep us both happy and busy.  

In other news, our time is really winding down here.  We're trying to squeeze trips in whenever we can.  I just booked a trip to Porto, Portugal for this coming weekend and I am really excited!  Everything I've heard and read about it makes it seem like a really great town and it looks beautiful in photos.  I can't wait to share how it goes.  

Annnnd lastly, (but probably the most exciting) my bestie Heidi had her baby!  Nixon very quickly made his debut last Tuesday and he is just the best thing ever!  He gives the best baby snuggles and I'm so excited to see him grow!  We just love him so much!  Let's see if I can use one more exclamation mark in this paragraph!

SO stay tuned.  I know blogging has been sparse, but that's just life right now.  Some fun stuff should be coming soon!

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