

The last few days have been a little tough.  I was wondering when it was going to actually sink in that I'm living in another country, and I can say that it finally has.  I've never been one to get homesick, but right now I am a little.  I know, I know.  You're probably thinking "Get over it, you're living in ITALY".  And you're totally right.  I am living in Italy.  But this is my blog, and I can cry if I want to. 

Before the wedding, everyone would tell us how lucky we are to get to move to such a great place.  And that's true.  We are lucky.  Italy is a beautiful country.  I think everyone should visit if they have the chance.  But lately, I've felt like a tourist that has been here a little too long.  There is a difference between when you still feel like you're on vacation, and when you feel like you're in a place where you don't quite fit in yet. 

You don't realize the routines and life you have established until you uproot and move to a completely new place.  You do realize how easy some things used to be.  I've gained an entire new respect for military families.  This stuff is hard.  It's hard when you're the new girl.  It's hard when you don't know what anyone is saying.  It's hard to try to get another routine established.  It's hard when your husband has to go away to work for a few weeks, months, or year, and you don't get to talk to him.  It's hard when you can't just pick up the phone to hear a familiar voice. 

I know it's all going to be ok, and this is just a phase.  I know I just need to get into my groove here.  I have a lot to be thankful for.  I have a good friend that lives near, I have a cool city at my fingertips,  and hopefully I'll get one of the jobs I've applied for. 

I've always been a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" kind of girl, so I know I'll figure out what adjustments I need to make so that I can get back into the game.  I should count my blessings and be thankful for the life I have.  But sometimes I think it's ok to miss home.  Sometimes I think it's ok to cry.  And sometimes I think it's ok to sit on the floor for a second before you grab your bootstraps and pull yourself back up again. 

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