

I don't say it enough, but I have an amazing family.  When John Ralph and I got married, the size of my amazing family doubled.  We are both so incredibly blessed to have nothing but supportive, loving people in our lives.

Yesterday, I went to the post office to check our mail and I was surprised to see that I had a notice telling me I needed to pick up a package.  I couldn't, for the life of me, remember ordering anything.  At first, I thought it might be a package of mail or bills from back home, but when they handed me a package from Amazon, it really threw me for a loop. 

I opened it up, to find a book called God Strong and an encouraging note from John Ralph's cousin Brandi. 

Can I just take a second to say how amazing this woman is?  She lives in Texas with her husband Jonathan, raising two beautiful children, Jack and Madison.  Brandi used to teach middle school students.  In my eyes, this qualifies you for sainthood. 

Brandi is also a mother, that I hope I'm one day lucky enough to be half as good as.  She loves her kids.  She wants nothing but the best for them, and I dare anyone to get in her way when it comes to her babies.  Sweet Madison has a "special heart" and is about to undergo open heart surgery.  Brandi is the most educated, on top of things, supportive, loving, caring (the list could go on and on) mother for Madison.  I don't think God could have picked a better family for this baby girl.  Through it all, I have never once seen Brandi's faith or confidence in God be shaken. 

And here she is, not thinking of herself, but thinking of other people and how she can encourage them.  I'm telling you, she's a wonder woman. 

I've already started reading the book, and it's great so far.  It's written for military wives, and discusses how to be strong, especially during times without your husband.  It's like it was written for me.  (Ha!) 

Brandi, thank you for thinking of me.  You seriously amaze me.  It couldn't have come at a more perfect time.  I love you! 

1 comment:

  1. You are too kind Jessica- really, way too kind! I hope you can enjoy the book... sorry it did not make it before he got home, but so glad he is back with you!

    Love you lots :)

