

This afternoon I found myself with a little extra time on my hands, so I decided to start doing a little redecorating.  Yesterday, I stopped in the Euro Spot and spent less than 20 euro on some Halloween decor.  Italy hasn't quite caught onto the whole Halloween thing like back home, but I was still able to find a few things to waste my money on. 

I got a few of these sparkley candle holders to put around the house.  I thought it was funny how the way I took this picture made it look like he really had eyes.  The store had lots of black, silver, and purple, which go with my inspiration, but there was no green to be found. 

I'm thinking I need a gray table cloth and I can work the green in by making two, small flower arrangements to go between the skeleton heads.  We got a lot of really pretty silver "stuff" for our wedding (the napkin holder in this picture being just one of many things), and I think I'm going to bring it out to serve food on at the party.

This little guy is our welcoming committee.  He's currently hanging on our front door.  While I had planned to incorporate him into a funky wreath, he's going to have to hang out alone for a while.  I cut out some bones yesterday to spell out "happy halloween" and I wanted to glitter them too and put them around a wreath with him hanging in the middle.  The only problem is I don't think this country believes in crafting...because I haven't found anywhere with craft supplies.  They don't even have anything on post.  Oh well, I'll keep looking I guess. 

I don't want to go too crazy on Halloween specific decorations because they will only be up for a few days, but so far I'm loving the new changes!

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