

The hubby left this morning and is going to be out of the country for the next few weeks for work (boo!), so I'm on my own for a while.  Fall is John Ralph's favorite time of year (spring still wins in my book), and we've had a nice chill in the air for the past few days now.  Everything is still pretty green, but I can tell warm oranges and bright reds are working their way into the landscape.  Even the sunsets are starting to look like fall.  It does have us missing home just a little bit, but hopefully we'll be able to squeeze in a few fall activities once he gets back. 

I've been on this pumpkin kick lately.  Not wanting to send my husband away on an empty stomach, I decided to whip up a pumpkin treat yesterday.  I googled a few recipes, but then decided to wing it and see what I would end up with.  Considering all I had to work with was Bisquick baking mix, pumpkin puree, an apple, honey, a few eggs, and some other random ingredients, I would say I did a pretty good job. 

The end result was a bread/cake.  We couldn't decide which category it fit in best.  It's very dense, similar to a pound cake, just the way I like it.  I didn't want to use a lot of sugar, and I didn't want it to be too sweet, so I grated the apple and added some honey instead.  It would have been perfect with a little cinnamon or nutmeg and maybe some raisins, but we didn't have any of those things. 

John Ralph approved, and seeing as how half of it is already gone, I think I'll try making it again...or at least something similar.  I'm wanting to throw a halloween get together, so this recipe might just make another appearance.  Maybe this time as cupcake/muffins? 

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