
I probably deserved a princess band aid

Things have been really busy here, but not exactly interesting.  You know how sometimes you can run around doing things all day long, but at the end of the day, you don't really know what you actually accomplished?  That's how I feel. 

I did have to go to the health clinic this morning to get a TB skin test done.  This was quite an accomplishment for me, because it was the first time I've ever gone to the doctor by myself.  Yes, I realize that's a little ridiculous, but I just need a little extra support when it comes to doctor's visits...and also, someone to pick me up after I pass out. 

I hate shots and needles so I was a little stressed about this visit.  On the walk there, I kept repeating "This is no big deal.  You're a big girl now.  You can do this."  However, thinking about it only made me break out into a cold sweat and made my knees start wobbling. 

They flagged me as soon as I walked in the door, saying "You're going to pass out arent you?"  Gee, how did you know?  Is it because I am about as white as a ghost?  Or, was I shaking?  Did the nervous twitch give it away?

Well, I'm proud to say that I survived the shot.  I didn't pass out (that is a huge improvement for me), the nurse drew a smiley face on my arm, and I only cried once.  Ok, maybe twice, but it's all about progress, right? 

1 comment:

  1. As someone who has held your hand through this kind of ordeal before, I want to acknowledge what an accomplishment this truly is. Prouda youuuu!
