
Confessional Friday- Getting to know me more...

It has been a hot minute since I linked up with {A Blonde Ambition} for a Confessional Friday post.  Last week they did a fun "Getting To Know You" edition...which I failed to participate in...but this week they are doing an extension:  Getting to know you, MORE!

Since talking about me is so fun (kidding), I thought I would participate.  Most of you know me pretty well, but let's just get reacquainted, shall we?  

1. What's your middle name?  Catherine.  With a "C" and an "ine".  I've never gone by it, or really used it at all for that matter.  However, I have always liked that in my monogram the J goes out in one direction and the C goes out in another.   Symmetry.  Kind of.  It's the little things, y'all.  (Side note:  I haven't taken The Hub's last name yet, so technically my monogram is still jBc.)

2. If you could live anywhere else in the world where would you live?  That's easy.  Paris.  It was love at first macaroon.  There was not a single thing in that whole city that I didn't fall head over heels for.  Ever since we visited, I've said that if I had the opportunity to move there I would take it and never think twice.  

One of the seven thousand pictures I took of the tower when we visited.  

3. Tell us about your guilty pleasures.  So, about that.  I have a lot of them.  Probably too many.  Let's see, we have The Kardashians.  Reading blogs (for hours).  Pinterest...or Pinting as The Hub's calls it.  We could talk all night on the fact that I can't be left alone with desserts.  Target's dollar section...I've already shared my feelings on that place with you guys.  Actually, let's just go ahead and say ALL of Target.  Seriously, I have a lot of guilty pleasures.  On second thought, I probably need to reevaluate that part of my life.  Or not.   

4. What do you like best about your job? If you weren't doing that, what career would you have pursued?  Currently, my job consists of doing laundry, dishes, dinner, and training a four legged friend.  What I like best about that?  The fact that my husband loves me for doing it.  If I weren't being a Casalinga (doesn't the Italian word for housewife sound lovely?) I would love to be planning small scale events.  Actually, one of my goals once we move back to the states is to start pursuing that in some form. 

5. Five items you'd grab during a fire.  (People and pets don't count. Those are a given.)  Well the first three are no brainers:  1) clean underwear, 2) medication, and 3) the good ole B-I-B-L-E.  My Memaw has given me many pieces of advice in my 26 years, and hands down my favorite is "Always have clean underwear, your medications, and a bible."  So, there's that.  As far as the last two...I'd probably grab my phone (someone has to call the fire department and Instagram the house going up in flames #itsgettinghotinhere) and then I'm sure I'd reserve the final spot for something completely pointless and unhelpful, like a box of matches.  

This lady knows a lot.  

6. Marathon running...something you'd like to pursue or just plain crazy?  If I ran a marathon, it would be because something very scary was chasing me.  And I'm pretty sure even then I would just give up around mile three and let whatever was after me win.  

7. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?  Do brownies count as a meal?  Kidding again.  I would say country fried steak, rice, and gravy, however, that leaves out BBQ.  So I guess, for an appetizer I would have a BBQ sandwich, followed by the main course of c.f. steak, rice & gravy, finally finishing with a pan of brownies for dessert.  

(Gah, rereading that last answer makes me realize it's a miracle I'm not 39823 lbs.)

We had most of that meal at our rehearsal dinner.  I'm lucky I still fit in my dress the next day. (Also, let's just take a moment to respect the post Ranger School buzz cut and sunburn the Hubs has going on here.)

8. Last person you spoke to...annnnnd....go! The hubs.  

9. Favorite childhood toy?  Ohhhh man.  I love thinking about my favorite toy.  But let me go ahead and warn you, you're going to be disappointed.  It's a flashlight.  It had three color options: red light, regular light, or green light.  That was my favorite toy ever.  I loved that stinkin flashlight.  I was a very literal and practical child, without much of an imagination.  Dolls made no sense to me.  A flashlight served a purpose.  Therefore, the flashlight went everywhere with me.  I mean, what in the world would a Barbie help with when I needed to see into a dark space?  

This guy.  

10. Breakfast cereal of choice?  Let's just all take a moment to appreciate a good bowl of cereal.  Mmm.  I don't usually discriminate against my cereals, but I typically don't like brans.  The latest cereals I've been munching on are Kashi Bluberry Clusters and Strawberry Mini Wheats.  Currently I'm eating Special K Red Berries.  All with unsweetened, original Almond Breeze almond milk.  And let me just say, this girl loves a cereal for dinner kind of night.  

Soooo, now you know even more about me.  You probably don't know what to do with all that incredibly valuable and useful information.  Feel free to answer the same questions in the comments section below so that I can get to know YOU more!  

On another note, we're sticking around here this weekend.  We are in dire need of a wine restock so that I don't have to start dipping into the "good" stuff.  I'm sure we'll probably go swing by a vineyard nearby.  Then on Sunday the antique market is coming to town, so I'm sure I'll go find someone's old junk that I can't live without.  Nothing too exciting coming up, but stick around because there is bound to be some adventure waiting in the shadows for me to tell you guys about.  Ciao for now!  

1 comment:

  1. Couple of things...

    Get me to Paris. ASAP.

    That picture of MeMaw and Papa made me fry a little.

    You can't say you had no imagination as a child when you used to play Iron Chef in your yard with the most exotic ingredients I've never heard of.

    Casalinga sounds verrah fancy.

    Capt'n Crunch Crunch Berries. All day, err day.
