

Groundbreaking News:  Today, I read an entire sign written in Italian.  And I understood it.  Can I get an "Amen!"? 

I still can't speak enough to amount to anything, but I have noticed that when people talk really slowly, and I'm not overcome with anxiety because of whatever situation I'm in, I have been able to understand a little more of the language.  Maybe we're getting there? 

In other news, we haven't been snowed in yet, unlike the rest of Europe.  However, it has snowed a little bit (just enough to cover the ground and be gone by the next morning) and it's pretty cold.  Along with the weather, came two really nasty coughs, one fever, and a lot of runny noses.  I'm going to keep Kleenex in business. 

I also started a new job.  The other one just wasn't working out for us, so I was glad to find another opportunity to work with much better hours and be on post.  I now work from 7:30-1:30, so I get up the same time as John Ralph, and I'm able to run errands and still have the entire afternoon to do thing for me and the evening to spend with him.  Plus, I'm much better at being a morning person than I am at being a night owl. 

He'll be out of the country for all of March, so I've decided to take that opportunity to come home and visit with family and friends.  I'm so excited to come home and not have to rush to fit everyone into a few short days.  It'll be nice to have a whole month to hang out and do things.  Then in April, we get two weeks of leave, so we're planning a long trip, possibly through Germany, for the first half, and then James and Michelle are coming to visit for the second half. 

Other than that, everything has been pretty much the same for us over here.  We've tried a few new places to eat, and I've ventured into a few new stores.  I think we might try skiing one weekend soon if we can work up the courage and find warm enough clothes.  We'll definitely try to keep everyone updated, but until next time, Arrivederci! 

1 comment:

  1. Oi! You are thinking of Germany for the April leave period? 06-15 APR? Let me know! I'll be taking leave then as well and have a lady friend coming over to visit me. We should get together. Thoughts?
