

Valentine's Day is kind of dangerous for me.  There is just so much chocolate for me to eat.  And as I've said before, when it comes to chocolate, I just have zero self control.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada.  I always start out with good intentions, and the next thing I know I have about 37 Hershey's Kisses wrappers at my feet. 

Now admitting to my chocolate addition, I have to say it has always annoyed me how John Ralph eats a piece of chocolate.  I will never forget going to the movies with him once (long before we were even thinking about dating) and he pulls out two squares of chocolate.  My piece was gone before we got halfway through the first preview.  I look over half way through the movie and he's still nibbling away at his. 

I mean, really? 

He also thinks we should "share" chocolate bars.  Who shares Snickers?  "Sharing" and "chocolate" just don't go together in the same sentence. 

Well, today I had to get some Valentine's Day goodies for my classroom, and I decided I would make some treats for John Ralph and his guys.  On Pinterest I saw a cute and easy chocolate pretzel treat idea, so I decided to give it a try.  I looove chocolate covered pretzels, but I always get annoyed when making them.  This recipe was so easy and mess free! 

All you do is take the square waffle shaped pretzels and place a Hershey's Kiss in the center.  Heat your oven to 200 degrees and pop them in for about 4 minutes.  When you pull them out, push an M&M down in the center.  Let them cool, and voila! you have chocolate pretzels that are pretty looking! 

The recipe I saw used the white chocolate "hugs" Kisses and Valentines pink, red, and white M&Ms.  They looked really cute, but we just didn't have those in Italy.  You can also use the small circle pretzels too.  I did pick out red M&Ms first, but then ran out of those too, so I used other colors to finish off the batch.  I bet the guys won't even make the connection that red and Valentine's Day go together. 

Here is a picture of the finished product.  Let's hope the majority of the batch actually makes it to the guys tomorrow! 

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