
love letters

John Ralph is a pretty good catch.  First of all, he puts up with me.  Then you have the hard worker/provider/funny guy sides to him that are added bonuses.  I'm lucky to have him. 
For each of  the fourteen days leading to Valentine's Day, I wrote a letter telling him why I'm glad he's my valentine.  (I figured I could go ahead and post about this since he already got the first letter.) While watching Glee one night, I decorated each envelope, and wrote 14 letters.  Letters have played such a huge part in our relationship.  We wrote letters while we were apart in college, we wrote lots of letters while he was going through Ranger school, and I know there will be more letters as we approach this upcoming deploymet. 

We've both saved some of the letters we've sent over the last few years and every now and again I'll go back through and read some.  It's funny to look back on the years and see how much you've changed.  I remember reading letters my grandparents have written to each other, and I can only imagine what our grandchildren will think when they are reading ours. 

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