
Wicked Witch of...Italy?

Only 6 days in, and I've already broken one New Year's Resolution.  I just couldn't get around to blogging yesterday.  Somewhere in between cooking dinner and doing laundry, blogging just got pushed to the side. 

The holidays are still going on in full swing here.  Today is la Epifania, or the Epiphany, and is a celebrated holiday here.  This day marks the day that the Wise Men finally got to the Baby Jesus, and they celebrate this day as the day of Jesus' physical manifestation to the Gentiles. 

One way Italians celebrate la Epifania is with Befana, a witch.  She's kind of like Santa.  On Epiphany Eve, Befana visits all the children in Italy, and if they were good, she leaves candy, fruit, and nuts in their stockings, but if they were bad, she leaves coal.  She also sweeps the floor with her broomstick before she leaves the house, and is always dirty with soot because she comes and goes through the chimney. 

At first, I was a little confused with how a witch tied into a Christian holiday, but thanks to Wikipedia, I learned that there are several different legends.  One says the Three Wise Men approached Befana asking for directions to Baby Jesus.  Befana didn't know directions but she provided them with shelter on their journey.  The Wise Men asked her if she wanted to join them, but she declined because she was busy with housework.  Later, changing her mind, she decided she wanted to go, and flew around on her broomstick looking for the Wise Men and Baby Jesus.  She wasn't able to find them, and is still looking for Baby Jesus.  On her search, she leaves nice children with goodies, and bad children with coal or garlic. 

Unfortunately, la Befana didn't come visit us last night.  I'm going to say it's because we aren't Italian children, and considering she is the "mother of all Italian children", it wouldn't really make sense for her to stop by.  Right?  I could have really used help with the floor sweeping though...

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