
When this thing I like to call "Life" happens...

Yeah.  Sooo, that whole "blog every other day" thing?  Not gonna happen.  Here's the truth:  Everyday life over here is...well, it's a lot like everyday life in America, except we still can't understand what people are saying.

John Ralph leaves the house early in the morning, I wake up a little later, get ready, go on post, run errands, go to the grocery store, library, post office, walk to work, work, come home, cook dinner, sit down, relax, go to bed.  Rinse and repeat.

Not too riveting.  Nothing worth writing home about, at least. 

I have been excited that the weather here has been, surprisingly, really nice.  We've actually been able to see the mountains for about a week.  Usually we just get a day here and there of good visibility.  It has, however, been getting really cold at night, and since John Ralph has been gone I've just been staying in and cozying up to the radiator with some books.  I just finished The Help and The Hunger Games.  Both excellent. 

We didn't end up getting the four day weekend at the end of January (not officially at least) so we had to hold off on making any plans for trips.  I was thinking about going to Florence or Venice this weekend, but since all the guys are gone, one of my girl friends went back to the states, and the other is sick, I think I'll hold off on that trip too.  I don't really want to go alone, especially not being able to get in immediate contact with the husband.  (Jessie and Scootie...this means the leather goods will be a little delayed).  I'm thinking Florence might be a good weekend trip to take once John Ralph gets back home.  That or Pisa. 

So, with all of that being said, the blogging might be a little slack until things start to pick back up. 

Ciao per ora!  ("Ciao for now"...I'm getting better.)

P.S.-  Although my blogging record is less than impressive, I'm proud to announce that my daily flossing is going great! 

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