
The search continues

 We finally found the area that we're wanting to move to!  We knew it was historic downtown Vicenza as soon as we got off the bus.  After viewing a few places through the housing office on post we were feeling discouraged.  They were mediocre houses in mediocre areas and nothing looked like the way we imagine "Italy" to look.  (You mean it's not all Under The Tuscan Sun?!)  But then we saw this area.  The above picture is the bridge we walk over to get to the square. 

 This is one of the more residential areas.  Most of the places above street level are apartments.  We're looking at one place down this street. 

When we ride the bus from post to downtown, this is the place where we get off. 

These are two pretty wooden doors, right?  Wrong.  Those, my friends, are what we have to drive a car through to get to a parking space.  One of the houses we have on hold for us while we're deciding is behind those doors.  When we first viewed it with the land lord we were thinking we would park in front of it and go inside.  But then she just kept driving and I about had a heart attack.  I honestly didn't think we were going to fit.  I guess it's a good thing I left my Hummer at home. 

This is the bell tower in the square (across the bridge).  I.  Love.  Hearing.  The.  Bells.  It's awesome. 

This is some friendly, neighborhood artwork.  Graffiti does seem to be a small issue here.  It's a little sad when you see spray paint on an old, historic building, however they tell us most of it is "non-violent".  I'm not quite sure what that means, but I'm hoping some gypsy punk doesn't come spray up my grage doors.  For his sake. 

And finally, this was part of our dinner last night.  Prosciutto and melon.  Delish!

I'll have a more detailed post later.  We're meeting with a realtor in about 15 minutes to go look at some more places, but I wanted to get these pictures up for everyone to see!

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