
Water Closet

Ok, I've decided there is no classy way to discuss this next topic, but it is one that definitely needs to be discussed.  There have been several occasions in which I have needed to go to the ladies room to tinkle, only to walk in and see a hole in the floor.  Let me introduce you to the Turkish Toilet. 

What in the world am I supposed to do with this? 

I'm dumbfounded that we're in the 21st century and the simple comfort of a normal toilet with seat covers and automatic flush isn't standard everywhere.  They don't even have handrails for you to balance yourself with.

Needless to say, I have not used one of these, and I will continue to go without using one unless it is the most extreme emergency.  I have already walked many blocks to find a place with a normal restroom.  Call me high maintenance.  I know we're extremely lucky to be living in a country that most people only dream of visiting, and that I'm going to need to make a few adjustments, but this just isn't one of them.  In fact, this is just one more reason I'm convinced that America is the best country in the world:  normal toilets...and the fact that we have ice in our drinks. 

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