
The big apple of my eye

It's no secret that I love traveling.  Exploring a new city is probably my favorite thing to do.  I've been extremely fortunate to go places that I would have never even dreamt of having the opportunity to visit.

And it all started with one trip to go see a boy.

New York City will forever hold the top spot on my list of favorite cities.  It is truly where it all started.  I fell in love with John Ralph there, and the rest is history.  So, when things happened to fall into place for us to go up and visit over his birthday weekend, I just about exploded from the excitement.  We'll be there for less than 48 hours next week, but I'm going to soak up every single second of it.

It's going to be like visiting a long lost friend.  One who kind of smells like onions.  I can't wait.

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