
Carnegie Hall

The main attraction for our whirlwind trip to the city was a Ryan Adams concert at Carnegie Hall on Saturday night.  If going to Carnegie Hall isn't on your bucket list, I want you to stop reading this blog, and go put it on your bucket list.  That place is unreal.  

To get to the concert we decided to take the subway because cabs were a bit elusive that time of night.  This is not an important part of this story at all, except for the fact that I want to go on record saying I actually enjoy public transit.  There is something about figuring out the routes and systems that makes the map reading nerd inside of me very happy.  Plus, the people watching is the best.  

Another side note:  One time Amanda, Chelsea, Mary Frances, and I were in the city and I was navigating like a champ…UNTIL I got us on the right train in the wrong direction.  We ended up in harlem, but found the best margaritas in New York.  So technically, I didn't really mess up.  

That view…but, back to the story:  

Carnegie Hall.  I don't even know where to start.  It was built in 1891.  EIGHTEEN NINETY ONE!  The detail and acoustics are just incredible (as is the story of the renovation if you want to google it…who knew a slab of concrete could create so much controversy).  

Our seats were unbelievable.  Right up front.  Ralph and I kept turning to each other and saying things like "I can't believe this" and "do you realize how lucky we are".  Again, I found myself getting emotional.  

The entire show was acoustic.  The special guest, Butch Walker, had a voice that was gripping.  

And then, there was Ryan Adams.  I truly don't even know where to start.  His music has been a huge part our lives together.  

His songs were what I listed to on my first trip to the city to visit Ralph while he was at West Point.  The songs were on mixed CDs that Ralph sent me while we were dating.  We went to his concert together on the day after my 21st birthday.  His songs were what I listed to when we broke up (yes, that happened).  We danced at our wedding to one of his songs.  I listened to his music while missing Ralph during the deployment. We unpacked our house in Nashville while listening to his new album.  

His music is part of the soundtrack to our life.  I know that sounds so cheesy, but it's so true.  

To be in such an iconic setting listening to music that evokes such a range of emotions was incredible.  I can see why playing in that setting would be an artist's dream.  It was moving.  

Definitely the cherry on top for Ralph's birthday weekend.  We are both so happy that we got the chance to take the trip, spend time with great friends, and experience so many new and awesome things.  

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