
Much Needed (and in my opinion, deserved) Spa Weekend

The school year came on full steam ahead with 20 four year olds in tow.  Twenty full of energy four year olds.  The kids are really are cute and funny and sweet, it's just a lot of them.  Thankfully, I have a great assistant who is super helpful and good with kids. 

Aside from my normal class, I worked several late nights because of training, working child care for an FRG meeting, and working Parent's Night Out.  I normally don't mind the extra hours, especially since I get paid more, but there must have been a full moon because these days were a little wacky. 

At PNO, I had two kids poop on the floor.  Yes.  Poop.  On the floor.  Who does that?  Then, after I got those two kids cleaned up, another kid wet his pants.  All of them were old enough to know better.  Computer games are apparently way too interesting to stop playing so that you can go to the bathroom.  And people wonder why I'm not going to allow my children to play them?  Case and point. 

I was working with a wonderful Italian girl, who later told me that Italians have a saying that translates into "Shit brings you luck".  She said we both needed to go out and play the lottery!  HA!  Although the whole situation was a little ridiculous, we couldn't stop laughing at what a crazy week it had been!  Definitely a good reason to get away and spend the weekend at a spa. 

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!  Look who's in our room! 
My kiddos made Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees and stamped their names on them. 

On Saturday, three other girls (and one dog) and I headed to the coast to a great spa hotel.  I got a 50 minute relaxation massage and loved every second of it.  I think massages and beauty treatments are going to have to become a regular thing.  Massages are simply too great to not enjoy frequently. 

Sunday morning, we made a quick stop in the oldest republic in the world, San Marino.  It was a nice little country, and I'm glad we made the stop.  We even got a travel visa stamped in our passports and everything. 

The weather was a little hazy, but you could tell that on clear days the view would be amazing.  There was a lot of windy, twisty roads through farm land leading up to the city.  It was lovely. 

All of the buildings were old, but beautiful.  The country sits on the top of a hill and you are never more than 4 kilometers away from Italy.  We enjoyed a good lunch, did some quality people watching, and the hopped back in the car to head home. 

I hope to plan a few outings to some festivals going on in nearby cities in the next few weeks.  One of my favorite wineries is having their harvesting party next Sunday.  The wonderful fall weather is bringing lots of fun events along with it.  I missed the pumpkin festival, but it did inspire me to start trying out a few new pumpkin recipes, not to mention I just bought a new Better Homes & Gardens special interest publication--Christmas Cookies!!  I can't wait to perfect some recipes for the holidays and even try some gluten free ones for when Chelsea and Amanda come for Christmas!  Fun things are in store for the next few months.  Enjoy the start of fall!  Ciao for now. 

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