
Marostica Chess Match

Ciao!  On Sunday I joined some lovely ladies and headed to live chess match in Marostica.  I won't lie...the story got a little lost in translation.  There were a few weird costumes and I couldn't quite figure out where they fit in to the scheme of things, but for the most part I was able to iron it all out:  King.  Princess.  Two dudes.  Love.  Need to pick one.  No one should die.  Let's play a game of chess.  One guy wins.  Princess happy.  The end. 

Here are some pictures from the afternoon:

Also, on Friday, we had a parade to celebrate a Vicenza holiday, and I was lucky enough to be able to watch from my living room. 

I'm about to be knee deep in 4 year olds (the school year starts tomorrow), so I'll do my best to stay up to date on blogging in the next week or two...but I can't make any promises.  Sometimes teaching a classroom of 4 year olds is about as easy as herding cats.  My schedule for the next few days may look something like this:  Wake up.  Go a little insane.  Go to sleep.  Repeat. 

Say a little prayer, y'all.  That winery this weekend is sounding better and better.  Ciao for now! 


  1. Good luck with the first day of school!!

  2. Awesome!!! You are experiencing so many things! I love learning about each one through your blog and pictures!
