
Bargain Bed

I'm not sure where last week went, but it happened and here we are getting ready to dive into a new one.  Seriously, where does time go?  Someone needs to go figure that out.  

Anyway, if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you'll know that Saturday morning I made quite an amazing (in my mind at least) purchase.  I had been looking for a bed for a while and my search came to a wonderfully discounted end.  Long story short, I got an $800 bed for 65% off.  

It's everything I wanted (platform, storage, wood…) and it's a heck of a lot better than the cheap metal frame that's been following us around for the last 3 years.  Slowly but surely we're getting "grown up" furniture.  

Wait for it….

It's basically a Lamborghini.  And look at all of that storage.  

Who wants to place bets on how long it takes for that white bedding to get puppy paw prints on it?

Now…If I could just figure out what I want to do about lamps, side tables, and wall art.  

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