
Charlie Brown Tree

On Saturday, after running some errands, the Christmas bug bit us and we decided to go find our first family Christmas tree.  I love how they do trees here.  They don't cut them, they dig them up!  Then, after Christmas, you can take the tree back and they will plant it in the ground so you can go get your family tree the next year!  Yeah Mother Earth!  Although you do miss out on throwing the tree in the the New Year's bon fire when you do it this way...  I guess you can't have it all.  

Anyway, we went with the traditional Italian tree.  A scrappy little thing, but I love it so much.  I kind of think I'll always get a scrappy tree now.  Something about it makes me so happy when I look at it.  It's just simply decorated with small globe lights.  I had big plans on how I was going to decorate our first tree, but the lights add the perfect amount of charm.  Anything else would just be too much.  I think I'm going to get a little basket to set it in, but other than that I'm going to enjoy it's simplicity.  

At the tree place, Darby met Olivia the pig.  The both just stood there and stared, not at each other, but slightly to the side of each other, both refusing to be the first to acknowledge the other.  Maybe Santa wants to bring Darby a goat and a pig for Christmas?  A whole petting zoo!?

Not our tree, this was the "fancier" type.  Much softer needles.  Not scrappy enough for us.  

"I found it Dad!  I found the perfect tree!"

At home, with the lights on.  I love Darby's face in this picture.  You'd never be able to tell she had just "tasted" all the branches...

I think the Christmas season is such a beautiful and emotional time.  As I grow older, I find myself being drawn to (good) tears over the feelings it gives me.  I found this video the other night as I had the lights off and I was enjoying our tree.  Not only is the original version one of my favorite songs, but this rendition is magical.  The last verse: so incredibly powerful.  I hope it brings you the same amount of joy that it brought me.  

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