
Friday, July 26, 2013

Time to Confess

I'm linking up with A Blonde Ambition again today for another Confessional Friday.  This week's topic is Q&A.  Let's jump right in, shall we?

1. My worst fashion offense of all time has to be wearing white eyeliner...
only white eyeliner.  

Ok, so I know we're probably talking clothes here...but one couldn't even focus on what I was wearing because they would be too transfixed (and frightened) by looking into the eyes of an Ice Princess.  Thankfully this was in middle school and I quickly thereafter learned the art of tasteful makeup and decently fashionable clothes.  But that 8th grade picture will haunt me for the rest of my life.  Pink tube top, puka shell necklace, white eye liner, and all.  (Where was my mother while I was getting dressed for school pictures?)

2. The most embarrassing song on my iPod is probably ___________.

Song?  Please. I have the entire Kenny G "I'm in the Mood for Love...The Most Romantic Melodies of All Time" ALBUM on my iPod.  And I listen to it.  

3. The last white lie I told was "Yes, I worked out today.

I mean, TECHNICALLY, walking the dog is a form of exercise.  

4. The celebrity I most wish would disappear is Amanda Bynes.  

She is clearly crazy, and I don't think we should celebrate crazy.  Someone needs to make her disappear into a mental hospital where she can actually get some help.  Sheesh.  

5. Sometimes I wish I could fly.  

I've always thought it would be the coolest thing to just take off and fly.  Not like a bird with wings, but Peter Pan style.  Fairy dust and happy thoughts included.  

6. My childhood crush was a Backstreet Boy.

Any of them.  

7. I've never turned down my Memaw's cooking.

It doesn't matter if I just ate a 16 course dinner.  If I go to Memaw's house, and there is food in the kitchen, I will eat it.

8. Action packed or scary movies make me a nervous wreck.  

I can't even watch previews for scary movies without thinking there is a serial killer under my bed and a ghost in my closet.  

9. I'd rather watch paint dry than listen to one more "War Story" from my husband and his friends.  

In my situation, I'm often the only girl stuck in a big group of dudes.  It used to be Ranger School stories (I could recite them all), then it was deployment stories, and now it's just Army stories in general.  Is it too much to ask to have a conversation about fingernail polish or hair products?  (Don't worry.  They all know that these are my sentiments.)

10. Much like a train wreck, I can't turn away from watching two Italians in an argument.  

The passion.  The hand gestures.  The words I can't understand.  When I see an argument happening, I wish I could grab a glass of prosecco, pull up a chair, and watch the whole darn thing.  

Does anyone have a question they would like to answer?  Confess all your secrets today! 


  1. Oh, how I used to love Amanda Bynes, especially in She's the Man! But now I just cringe when I see something about her. Isn't there SOMEONE in this girl's life who can just take her away and get her the serious therapy she needs???

    1. Right? Hopefully this latest stunt will end up getting her some help! Fingers crossed.
